You are filled with gods can rise above your desire just by being aware of that. Whenever you use the strength of goodness you shall return instantly to peace. Being good is being your self and being your self is being in touch with god...........always........ If you have done good to another it is because you wish to be at peace. The moment you will turn away from goodness at that very moment you shall experience an internal turmoil. Why do you want another to appreciate your goodness? Is not being your self and being at peace with your self enough? Goodness is doing the right for the sake of self respect. Your intention must be pure and your act must radiate the confidence of goodness. You are the instrument of god.................his stream of goodness flows through you.................whenever you receive the good fortune of serving him with his goodness you must forget not To thank him for choosing you as his beloved and sincere child. The moment you shall recognize your goodness shall return to god the work half done. Be every moment.............there is no reason to take away your own peace that you so much deserve. |